Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 14th, 2012
Planning Board Members Present: Robert Ronzio ( Chairperson), Marty Schlanger ( Clerk), Beth VanNess ( Asst. Clerk), Howard Lerner, Ann Krawet.
Planning Board Members Absent: Gale LaBelle
Members of the public present: Frenk and Penelope Spoja, Erin Going.
Meeting opens at: 7: 07pm
Chairperson , Robert Ronzio, opens the meeting and announces that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants them. He advises that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the by-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. The board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Mr. Ronzio asks if there is anyone who is going to make a video or an audio recording of the
meeting; no recordings are announced. Lastly Mr. Ronzio informs everyone present that no person shall address this meeting without the permission of the chair and that all people, at the request of the chair shall be silent. Mr. Ronzio advises all present that it is the intention of this board to proceed with the posted agenda in the order in which they are listed, and again reminds everyone that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants one.
Approval of October 10th, 2012 Meeting Minutes- Mr. Martin Schlanger makes a motion to approve the October 10th meeting minutes as presented, Mr.Howard Lerner seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Chairperson, Mr. Robert Ronzio asks the secretary to please read the application received aloud for all to hear. Mr. Ronzio then reads and reviews section 3.4.6 of the by-laws with members present. Mr. Schlanger asks, what specifically is the request for the special permit for? Mr. Ronzio advises. Mr. Ronzio goes on to advise that one of the board members is also the broker for the seller’s of this property and therefore must recues herself. Mr. Ronzio goes on to advise the applicants that there is also one board member that is currently absent. He explains that the Spojas may go on with their public hearing, however making sure that they understand that all four members of the board must give their approval for such a request to be granted or they can opt to wait until the December meeting
and hope for a quorum to be present. Lastly, Mr. Ronzio makes sure that the applicants fully understand that if such a request is denied, for any reason at all, then the applicants would have to wait for two years in order to come back and re-apply for the same application request.
Mr. Schlanger ask if Ms. Beth VanNess is representing the Spojas. Ms. VanNess confirms that she is representing the seller. Mr. Ronzio informs the board as well as the applicants, that in this case, the rule of necessity does not apply. Mr. and Mrs. Spoja agree to go with the four man board, confirming their understanding of needing a unanimous approval.
7:26 pm - Public Hearing- Frenk and Penelope Spoja, Map 217 Lot 236, 673 Jacob’s Ladder Road.
Chairperson, Mr. Ronzio opens the public hearing and asks the secretary if all fees and reimbursements have been made, secretary confirms. Mr. Ronzio also asks the secretary if all abutters have been properly notified; secretary confirms. Ms. Spoja approaches board members present and begins to present her application. She begins by explaining that her and her husband had met with the building inspector, Mr. Girard, who advised them that they could build a home on this property, however they would need a special permit from the Planning Board. Ms. Spoja explains that the property is actually 1.9 acres and presents a sketch of the property to the board for their review. She further goes on to explain that they would like to put a single family house as well as a garage on the property. Ms. Spoja confirms that
they have hired Kelly, Granger and Parsons as the engineer firm to do their plan. Ms. Spoja explains that upon completion of the plan, they will bring it in to Mr. Bill Girard for his review. Mr. Ronzio states that there is already a curb-cut their that he is aware of. Mr. Ronzio advises that there is an easement on their property from Verizon, Mr. Spoja confirms and states that they are aware of that. Mr. Lerner asks what they would do with the mailboxes that are currently on the property, Ms. Spoja replies that she would like them to be legal and that at that point they could just stay on the property. Penelope also states that they will be having a perk test done. Ms. Ann Krawet asks the Spojas, taking into consideration that there is a 2 acre minimum standard, would they in the future, be looking to purchase an abutting property to add to the current lot they are looking to purchase. Ms. Spoja confirms that in the future, this may definitely
be a consideration of theirs.
Mr. Lerner asks the Spojas what their time-line is? Ms. Spoja explains that they hope to purchase the property in early 2013, continue working with Kelly, Granger and Parsons. They will also be getting a dumpster shortly after making the purchase, to clean the property up. Mr. Ronzio reminds the applicants to make sure and get a perk test done soon. Mr. Lerner agrees and also advises of a possible litigation concerning the mailboxes.
Mr. Ronzio asks if there are any other questions from anyone, hearing none, he closes the public hearing portion of the meeting and polls the board for a vote.
Application for a Special Permit by Frenk and Penelope Spoja to vary the terms of Zoning Bylaw 3.4.6 in the following respect: To reestablish the protected status of the residential use of the property:
Robert Ronzio- Approve
Martin Schlanger- Approve
Ann Krawet- Approve
Howard Lerner- Approve
Beth VanNess- Abstain
Gale LaBelle- Absent
Mr. Ronzio thanks the applicants and informs them that if they are interested in the future, they may want to consider joining the Lake District.
New Business:
Large Wind Turbine Subcommittee- Mr. Ronzio advises that before they can appoint a new subcommittee, that the old committee needs to be officially disbanded. Mr. Ronzio confirms that he has spoke with the Town Clerk and this is what he needs to see as well. Mr. Ronzio suggests that thank you notes be sent to all the members of the last committee, stating that they did a great job. Mr. Ronzio explains that after this happens, then a letter can be sent to Town Clerk, George Roberts, letting him know that they have disbanded the committee. Mr. Lerner makes a motion to dissolve the committee, Mr. Ronzio seconds vote, Unanimous Approval. Mr. Ronzio then tells Ms. Krawet that she needs letters of interest from all who wish to join the new committee. Ann responds and confirms that she has approximately 5 individuals interested at the moment. Those people are Karen Karlberg, Carl Rosenstein, Bill Girard, Robert Ronzio , and herself; Ann Krawet. Mr. Lerner makes a motion to appoint
said parties to the subcommittee as long as they submit the required letter of interest.
Public Participation- Board members briefly discuss the upcoming, “5th Thursday Dinner-meeting”. Although theses meetings have always been a favorite amongst board members. Mr. Ronzio reminds everyone just how tight the budget is this year. Board members agree that up to 3 members a month should be allowed to attend these dinner-meetings.
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed.
Mr. Howard Lerner makes a motion to adjourn the meeting, Beth VanNess seconds motion; Unanimous Approval. The meeting is adjourned at 8:43 pm.
Schedule next meeting for December 12th, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Robert Ronzio
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Howard Lerner
Signed_______________________________ Date_________________
Beth VanNess
Signed______________________________ Date__________________
Ann Krawet